Gap in the Fence Bike Ride

Iain writes:-

So, what was billed as a 70km ride turned into fifty! It was a short notice call out but we still managed a total of four riders from Waterfront station, heading east along Pandora and then along to the highway before going down a new route through an alley parallel to the highway. We crossed the highway via a footbridge with what looks like a too low parapet.

A quick snack break near the Christine Sinclair Community Centre turned into a long walk to a garage to try and find a spanner! A flat tyre necessitated the removal of a wheel but, alas, no suitable spanner in the tool kits we carried and the garage was closed. So the hapless rider made it home via bus, skytrain and the bike repair shop!

Onwards went three of us to tackle the uphill grunt at Buckingham Heights, near Deer Lake and then on to the BC Parkway round the edge of New West. A handy bench provided a lunch stop before the steep, gravelly downhill to Marine Way and a Gap in the Fence, at Marine Way then on to the river. It was then all the way west to Ontario, passing the marvellous Northern Cafe which we will leave to another day, and then north to 37th and east to Windsor before the long steady downhill to Red Truck.

Happy to report that we were joined by a newly tyred fourth rider at Red Truck, a keen sense of priorities at play there. We’ll repeat the route when the weather warms up.

here is the route from iain’s garmin 1040


New Years Eve 23/24


Elk Mountain, snow and spikes